Monday, December 29, 2008

The Reazin Christmas

This year it only took 2 days for Camlin to unwrap her presents. Partly because she had to either put on, play with, or put away each one as they were revealed. And now as I desperately seek bins, drawers, or shelves for them all, I am left wondering if I went overboard again!

With the Peers' here, we had a long, relaxing Christmas morning of present-opening, followed by playing outside in the 65 degree weather (while I was busy in the kitchen), and then the day culminated with a huge feast. It was wonderful having family here this year!

Camlin knew somehow that the largest pile of presents belonged to her!

There were plenty of presents to go around.

I am especially proud of the dinner table.

Here is the flaming Christmas pudding.

And this is Boxing Day morning as Camlin finishes opening her presents.

1 comment:

Bridgett said...

The Peers family had a fabulous time too, thanks for the hospitality, we'll have to do it again sometime all our love B x