Educationally and developmentally, Camlin is progressing nicely. She can count to 15, knows her colors and basic shapes, can sing the ABC song, and recognizes 3 letters: C, M, and L. She is potty trained, speaks in complete sentences, eats with a fork, drinks from a regular cup, holds a pen/crayon correctly, colors somewhat within lines (although everything is usually blue), throws and kicks a ball, and can run, jump, and hop really well. She runs especially fast in crowded shopping malls.
Her favorite activity is to play Let’s Pretend. I think she likes this because she can be really bossy. Not surprisingly, she is always mommy or the teacher. Activities include playing in the pool on the hardwood floor, going to Chuck E Cheese in the living room, or putting us to bed in any designated area of the house. Yesterday while playing pretend Camlin said, "I'm mommy." Pause. "I have boobies now."
Camlin's Idiosyncrasies:
- She asks almost daily about her birthday! (I think it's about the cake.) Tonight I said, "I have a surprise for you in the morning," to which she exclaimed, "It's my happy birthday?"
- She likes to ‘shush’ us if we are talking while she is watching TV or reading a book.
- She obsesses over her hands and face being clean when eating. It's not unusual to go through at least 3 napkins per meal.
- She likes to take off her pants as soon as she gets home. (see below picture)
- When asked something to which she doesn’t know the answer, she responds, "I can’t know that."
- She still has her ‘go-go’ (pacifier), which she will sneak into a pocket or purse in an attempt to get it out of the house.
- She likes to walk around with her hands in her pockets or on her hips.
- She likes warm milk.
- She knows how to share when someone else has something she wants.
- She prefers her bangs in her face rather than held back with a clip.
- She is easily bribed with promises of cake or chocolate coins.
Recent Activities:
- We went to see Disney on Ice. Camlin’s favorite part was seeing Ariel. She now skates on the ice in her playroom, which translates to dancing on the rug.
- On Wednesdays, we take Camlin to Kangaroo Jacks after school so she can get some exercise while she goes crazy on the jumpy castles.
- Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving by relaxing and eating a huge dinner. Our friends, the Grimes', stopped by too so we could meet baby Miller and Camlin got to play with Colby. The highlight of the day was the semi-forced, but incredibly cute hug between Camlin and Colby!
- Yesterday while at the mall, we figured we’d stop and see Santa. Much to our surprise Camlin ran up to him, jumped on his lap and put her arms around him. They had a nice, intimate conversation while she fiddled with the buttons on his vest, and then he actually had to extract her other arm from around his neck so they could pose for the picture. Odd. Next year we’ll dress her in a nice outfit! (see below picture)
- Today we decorated our Christmas tree. Camlin was more interested in having a coffee party with the coffee ornaments I got from my old manager 2 years ago (last year she did the same thing).
And my final thought: At a recent parent/teacher conference, we learned that Camlin doesn’t listen (not a surprise; she gets that from her dad) and she is incredibly bossy (again, not a surprise; she gets that from her mom). We’re screwed.
Decorating the tree (without pants)
Sitting happily on Santa’s lap
How cute, but Santa is a bit scary looking!! Take care, love
Cute, cute, cute! I love your blog and always look forward to reading it, you should write books your so good.
See you very soon
B x
What a funny post! Colby doesn't listen either, and he also gets that from his father. :)
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