Despite the comments I get ("today is the day we celebrate breaking away from 'your people'"), I still enjoy Independence Day. So this year, we traveled down to Williamsburg for a festival and fireworks.
Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate so after a rainy walk through Colonial Williamsburg, we spent the rest of the day in the hotel pool and watched the fireworks from our hotel window. Camlin was upset that she didn't get a pony ride, but she loved jumping in puddles and playing in the pool. I think her favorite part was playing with the microwave in the hotel suite. She didn't quite understand that it wasn't a toy (like the one in her playroom at home), so we had a few close calls at burning down the place when she tried to microwave teddy bears, juice pouches, and blankets!
Gosh Camlin's hair is looking so much lighter, I guess the sun is shining even if Independents weekend wasn't as good as you might like. I forgot to say on Sunday we sent a dress for Camlin on Thursday hope you like it but you may want to keep the lipstick away! B x
I really enjoyed hearing about Camlin experimenting by putting things in the microwave oven. Pop attempts this on a regular basis. He agrees with Camlin - that it is entertaining to watch atoms bounce of metallic items. I fear he is searching for a microwave large enough for me.
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