About a year ago, Camlin was trying to tell us about something and we had no idea what she was talking about. True to Camlin-form, she started getting frustrated and on the verge of a tantrum until she exclaimed, "I'll draw it." With sudden focus, she began drawing on her chalkboard easel. "Look, she said, this is what I'm talking about!"
Dave and I were really impressed with her problem-solving skills, and equally with her ability to draw something that after a few guesses, we were able to identify. We realized that day that we have a very creative child and since then we encourage this talent whenever possible.
Of course, anytime we don't remember an object she wants to talk about, we immediately encourage her to try to draw it; when she's bored or stuck in front of the TV we will attempt to divert her attention with, "Why don't you color?"; and on rainy days we'll pull out the paints. We also let her pick out her own clothes to wear, which sometimes backfires because she loves to mix and match colors and patterns. With the start of pre-K this fall, she now pushes the limits of her uniform with funky socks and hair-dos. (Let's just say that I will NEVER judge a parent based on what their child is wearing!)
We are not expecting to raise a van Gogh or Vera Wang, but we know Camlin will grow up with an appreciation for the arts. If we are really lucky, she will use her interests and talents to find a career she loves.
Disclaimer: I was prompted to write this blog entry by a contest. I'm ashamed to admit that my wonderful daughter and the birth of my son had not motivated me to get back to writing, but the prospect of winning the full set of the Tiny Socialite Collection of the bumGenius Artist Series cloth diapers from Cotton Babies was enough to get pen to paper!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Camlin's 4th Birthday
The celebration for Camlin turning four seemed to last for weeks. It began a couple of weeks before the big day when parcels started arriving from England, peaked with a surprise trip to Disney, and culminated with a small party at Kangaroo Jacs.
The trip to Disney was awesome. Dave and I had hinted to Camlin that we would take her on a short trip, but we hadn't told her where we were going. So, at 5 AM on her birthday, we woke her up by singing Happy Birthday and presenting her with a bag of Disney goodies. Luckily, the lure of presents and Disney got her out of bed so we would make our 7 AM flight to Orlando.

For the next 3 days, we walked, ate, and stood in line for autographs. Dave and Camlin rode some rides and we all took in a show, but Camlin's favorite thing was to meet the characters. I've never seen her so patient; she waited, holding her autograph book open at the next blank page, facinated. The character meals were fun and a great way to meet them without waiting in line. Two highlights: Tigger shook his bum at her on her birthday and Belle (her favorite princess) stuck her finger in Camlin's eye!

We had such a busy few days, hitting three different parks and stopping by Downtown Disney. We even crammed in a visit with our good friends the Reifs! It was such a good time, even with the constant stares and comments I received. (Apparently, a 7-month pregnant woman - who looks 9-months pregnant - is not an everyday occurence at Disney!)

We left Orlando very late on day three. It was an uneventful flight home after a "Code B" secured all entrances and exits to the airport just as we were about to board the plane. After that short delay, we arrived home safe and sound, albeit exhausted.
The trip to Disney was awesome. Dave and I had hinted to Camlin that we would take her on a short trip, but we hadn't told her where we were going. So, at 5 AM on her birthday, we woke her up by singing Happy Birthday and presenting her with a bag of Disney goodies. Luckily, the lure of presents and Disney got her out of bed so we would make our 7 AM flight to Orlando.
For the next 3 days, we walked, ate, and stood in line for autographs. Dave and Camlin rode some rides and we all took in a show, but Camlin's favorite thing was to meet the characters. I've never seen her so patient; she waited, holding her autograph book open at the next blank page, facinated. The character meals were fun and a great way to meet them without waiting in line. Two highlights: Tigger shook his bum at her on her birthday and Belle (her favorite princess) stuck her finger in Camlin's eye!
We had such a busy few days, hitting three different parks and stopping by Downtown Disney. We even crammed in a visit with our good friends the Reifs! It was such a good time, even with the constant stares and comments I received. (Apparently, a 7-month pregnant woman - who looks 9-months pregnant - is not an everyday occurence at Disney!)
We left Orlando very late on day three. It was an uneventful flight home after a "Code B" secured all entrances and exits to the airport just as we were about to board the plane. After that short delay, we arrived home safe and sound, albeit exhausted.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
While visiting family in England this year, Dave and I escaped for a few days with Pete and Bridgett, for a little R&R in Spain. So, very early that morning, we kissed our sleeping girl goodbye and set off for a much-needed, 3-day respite in Barcelona.
Upon arrival at The Hotel Arts (a Ritz Carlton property), we headed straight to the pool and before noon we were basking in the sun with cold beers in our hands. Lunch was delivered to us poolside and I ate an amazing, almost raw, salmon sandwich. (I've since dreamt about this sandwich!) Just when we thought life couldn't get better, we received a call informing us we had been upgraded to the 2-story penthouse apartment on the 40th floor! (This was thanks to Pete's business contacts.)
The apartment was unbelievable (and bigger than our house) with marble bathrooms, a spiral staircase, and a fantastic corner balcony that overlooked the city, harbor, and beach. Once we settled down from the excitement of our windfall, we changed and took a walk through the city.
It was a little breezy walking down the oceanfront, but we enjoyed the walk. Dave especially like the topless sunbathers! We took a short break at a boat restaurant, and then continued through the city center where we paid $7 for a street artist to make a painting of Camlin's name. (It will likely cost 10 times that to frame it, but it's not like we'll ever find anything pre-printed with Camlin's name.)
Our first day concluded with dinner at a restaurant on the beach and drinks back at the apartment.

Day two was awesome. Along with the apartment came a convertible mini for use, so we took it out for a spin around Barcelona. We went to the soccer stadium (Nou Camp), toured the museum, and sat in the stands watching the stage being set for the opening of the U2 concert tour. Then we took the scenic route back through the Olympic areas, before relaxing by the pool for the rest of the day. Did I mention that the pool attendants regularly spritzed us down and brought around frozen treats?!
That evening we salivated through an amazing dinner at the restaurant Arola, which is headed by an award-winning chef. After a slight altercation with some local muggers, we relaxed for some drinks and Dave and Pete collected some winnings in the casino.

We started out our final day with the expensive hotel breakfast and a few hours soaking up some last rays of sun, and then packed up in preparation to leave. Our flight wasn't until late so we got to enjoy some local cuisine in the harbor and savor the remaining few hours of relaxation.

When we landed in Liverpool it was almost midnight. We had a somber drive home after an amazing few days. We knew it would be a long time before we had another trip like that, but as soon as saw our beautiful girl sleeping soundly, we were glad to be back.
Upon arrival at The Hotel Arts (a Ritz Carlton property), we headed straight to the pool and before noon we were basking in the sun with cold beers in our hands. Lunch was delivered to us poolside and I ate an amazing, almost raw, salmon sandwich. (I've since dreamt about this sandwich!) Just when we thought life couldn't get better, we received a call informing us we had been upgraded to the 2-story penthouse apartment on the 40th floor! (This was thanks to Pete's business contacts.)
The apartment was unbelievable (and bigger than our house) with marble bathrooms, a spiral staircase, and a fantastic corner balcony that overlooked the city, harbor, and beach. Once we settled down from the excitement of our windfall, we changed and took a walk through the city.
It was a little breezy walking down the oceanfront, but we enjoyed the walk. Dave especially like the topless sunbathers! We took a short break at a boat restaurant, and then continued through the city center where we paid $7 for a street artist to make a painting of Camlin's name. (It will likely cost 10 times that to frame it, but it's not like we'll ever find anything pre-printed with Camlin's name.)
Our first day concluded with dinner at a restaurant on the beach and drinks back at the apartment.
Day two was awesome. Along with the apartment came a convertible mini for use, so we took it out for a spin around Barcelona. We went to the soccer stadium (Nou Camp), toured the museum, and sat in the stands watching the stage being set for the opening of the U2 concert tour. Then we took the scenic route back through the Olympic areas, before relaxing by the pool for the rest of the day. Did I mention that the pool attendants regularly spritzed us down and brought around frozen treats?!
That evening we salivated through an amazing dinner at the restaurant Arola, which is headed by an award-winning chef. After a slight altercation with some local muggers, we relaxed for some drinks and Dave and Pete collected some winnings in the casino.
We started out our final day with the expensive hotel breakfast and a few hours soaking up some last rays of sun, and then packed up in preparation to leave. Our flight wasn't until late so we got to enjoy some local cuisine in the harbor and savor the remaining few hours of relaxation.
When we landed in Liverpool it was almost midnight. We had a somber drive home after an amazing few days. We knew it would be a long time before we had another trip like that, but as soon as saw our beautiful girl sleeping soundly, we were glad to be back.
My Return to the Blog?
When I posted the last entry back in July, I promised another entry soon. Hmm ... I really need to stop setting unrealistic expectations! So, here I am almost 5 months later and I'm not sure where to start.
After the last post, we had a busy summer followed by the start of a tiring pregnancy, my return to grad school, a new puppy, and hectic work schedules. So, for the next few posts I will be playing catch-up and in no particular order. I'm not promising how quickly they will be available, but I do promise lots of pictures!
After the last post, we had a busy summer followed by the start of a tiring pregnancy, my return to grad school, a new puppy, and hectic work schedules. So, for the next few posts I will be playing catch-up and in no particular order. I'm not promising how quickly they will be available, but I do promise lots of pictures!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Spring Vacation 2009
After my 7-month hiatus from the blog, I hope to redeem myself with this review of our spring vacation! Settle in friends; it's gonna be a long one.
The First 48 Hours
Our trip to Europe started with an uneventful 18-hour journey during which Camlin slept only 2 hours. But despite her loss of sleep and 5 hours of time, Camlin had plenty of energy to chase after Nanny's frail dogs, try out everyone's shoes at Auntie Bridgett's house, and run around the garden at Auntie Helen's family gathering - all that on the first day!
Camlin hugging Corey and playing with Coral

The Wedding Party
We got a late start on Saturday after catching up on some rest; but we made it to the pub on time for the combination celebration of Shelley and Paul's wedding and Paul's 40th birthday. After a quick trip over to St. Andrews for a nice service, we all settled back into the pub for an evening of drinking and dancing.
We had a great time catching up with family and Camlin exhibited a slight crush on little Sam, dancing with him, copying his break-dancing moves, and blowing bubbles with him in a shared lemonade.
The highlight of the night was when Cams emerged as a future rock star with her 10-minute karaoke performance. It started with her taking the mike from another karaoke performer to la-la along, quickly changed over to Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds (which she continued to sing despite what track was playing), and ended with the DJ putting on Hannah's song so Camlin could shine. After a huge applause, Camlin finally gave back the microphone!
The Happy Newlyweds

My immediate family (except Cath and Clive)

Camlin singing karaoke and dancing with Abigail

Camlin and Sam blowing bubbles

Family Outings
On Sunday, we enjoyed the afternoon with most of the family at The Twirl of Hay (a pub with an indoor playground). Trudi and her son Callum joined us too, which was a big treat. We then headed to Wigan to visit my Granddad Jones for the last time (he died on July 3rd).
Monday was a nice dry day so we took Camlin and Abigail to the Farm Park, along with Trudi and Callum. We had a great time feeding the animals, taking a tractor ride through the fields, and playing on the zip line.
Abigail feeding the lamb

Cath, Abigail, and Camlin on the tractor ride

Me and Dave on the tractor ride

Can you guess why this horse's name is Smiley?

For the next three days, Camlin stayed with Nanny and Granddad while Dave and I enjoyed some needed R&R in Barcelona with Pete and Bridgett. (Watch for another post coming soon ... I think 3 days kid-free in Barcelona deserves its own post!) Cams was kept really busy with a trip to Whiz Kids, the movie theatre (to watch the Hannah Montana movie), and a day at the Welsh Mountain zoo. She had a great time with the family but she was still happy to see her mom and dad when we returned.
Our last day was spent shopping, eating pasties (man, I miss pasties), and a family farewell dinner at the pub. Camlin entertained everyone with another rock star performance when she stood on the picnic table outside and used the umbrella holder as a microphone. And once again, she sang Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds. (By this time she was pretty good, especially since my mum and sister Shelley got her a microphone that plays the song - something she still plays with at least once a day.
Camlin with one of Nanny's dogs

Camlin with Granddad Popplewell and the other dog

The Trip Home
The journey home was one full of heavy hearts and plane delays, finally arriving home, shattered, after 20 hours. But it was worth it. We had one of the best and busiest vacations ever. This one will definitely be hard to top!
Camlin - with too much energy - at Newark airport

Additional Pics
I couldn't resist adding these in because she is just too freaking cute!!
The First 48 Hours
Our trip to Europe started with an uneventful 18-hour journey during which Camlin slept only 2 hours. But despite her loss of sleep and 5 hours of time, Camlin had plenty of energy to chase after Nanny's frail dogs, try out everyone's shoes at Auntie Bridgett's house, and run around the garden at Auntie Helen's family gathering - all that on the first day!
Camlin hugging Corey and playing with Coral
The Wedding Party
We got a late start on Saturday after catching up on some rest; but we made it to the pub on time for the combination celebration of Shelley and Paul's wedding and Paul's 40th birthday. After a quick trip over to St. Andrews for a nice service, we all settled back into the pub for an evening of drinking and dancing.
We had a great time catching up with family and Camlin exhibited a slight crush on little Sam, dancing with him, copying his break-dancing moves, and blowing bubbles with him in a shared lemonade.
The highlight of the night was when Cams emerged as a future rock star with her 10-minute karaoke performance. It started with her taking the mike from another karaoke performer to la-la along, quickly changed over to Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds (which she continued to sing despite what track was playing), and ended with the DJ putting on Hannah's song so Camlin could shine. After a huge applause, Camlin finally gave back the microphone!
The Happy Newlyweds
My immediate family (except Cath and Clive)
Camlin singing karaoke and dancing with Abigail
Camlin and Sam blowing bubbles
Family Outings
On Sunday, we enjoyed the afternoon with most of the family at The Twirl of Hay (a pub with an indoor playground). Trudi and her son Callum joined us too, which was a big treat. We then headed to Wigan to visit my Granddad Jones for the last time (he died on July 3rd).
Monday was a nice dry day so we took Camlin and Abigail to the Farm Park, along with Trudi and Callum. We had a great time feeding the animals, taking a tractor ride through the fields, and playing on the zip line.
Abigail feeding the lamb
Cath, Abigail, and Camlin on the tractor ride
Me and Dave on the tractor ride
Can you guess why this horse's name is Smiley?
For the next three days, Camlin stayed with Nanny and Granddad while Dave and I enjoyed some needed R&R in Barcelona with Pete and Bridgett. (Watch for another post coming soon ... I think 3 days kid-free in Barcelona deserves its own post!) Cams was kept really busy with a trip to Whiz Kids, the movie theatre (to watch the Hannah Montana movie), and a day at the Welsh Mountain zoo. She had a great time with the family but she was still happy to see her mom and dad when we returned.
Our last day was spent shopping, eating pasties (man, I miss pasties), and a family farewell dinner at the pub. Camlin entertained everyone with another rock star performance when she stood on the picnic table outside and used the umbrella holder as a microphone. And once again, she sang Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds. (By this time she was pretty good, especially since my mum and sister Shelley got her a microphone that plays the song - something she still plays with at least once a day.
Camlin with one of Nanny's dogs
Camlin with Granddad Popplewell and the other dog
The Trip Home
The journey home was one full of heavy hearts and plane delays, finally arriving home, shattered, after 20 hours. But it was worth it. We had one of the best and busiest vacations ever. This one will definitely be hard to top!
Camlin - with too much energy - at Newark airport
Additional Pics
I couldn't resist adding these in because she is just too freaking cute!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Family Portrait
Monday, December 29, 2008
Just Cute
On Boxing Day, Dave took Pete, Bridgett, Corey, and Coral up to Wintergreen to go snowboarding so Camlin and I got to spend the day together. We had fun playing and napping together.
She is posing in this picture in her new Dora outfit from Auntie Stephanie with the not-so-matching Hello Kitty socks that she insisted on wearing for 2 days straight! You can't see, but her hair is tied back with a purple Hello Kitty ponytail holder. I couldn't resist capturing this designer moment!
The Reazin Christmas
This year it only took 2 days for Camlin to unwrap her presents. Partly because she had to either put on, play with, or put away each one as they were revealed. And now as I desperately seek bins, drawers, or shelves for them all, I am left wondering if I went overboard again!
With the Peers' here, we had a long, relaxing Christmas morning of present-opening, followed by playing outside in the 65 degree weather (while I was busy in the kitchen), and then the day culminated with a huge feast. It was wonderful having family here this year!
Camlin knew somehow that the largest pile of presents belonged to her!

There were plenty of presents to go around.

I am especially proud of the dinner table.

Here is the flaming Christmas pudding.

And this is Boxing Day morning as Camlin finishes opening her presents.
With the Peers' here, we had a long, relaxing Christmas morning of present-opening, followed by playing outside in the 65 degree weather (while I was busy in the kitchen), and then the day culminated with a huge feast. It was wonderful having family here this year!
Camlin knew somehow that the largest pile of presents belonged to her!
There were plenty of presents to go around.
I am especially proud of the dinner table.
Here is the flaming Christmas pudding.
And this is Boxing Day morning as Camlin finishes opening her presents.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Favorite Uncle
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Progress Report
As it’s been a while since I’ve written, I decided to provide a detailed progress report for Camlin. Get comfortable: this is a long one. Hang in and you’ll be rewarded at the end with a couple of pics.
Educationally and developmentally, Camlin is progressing nicely. She can count to 15, knows her colors and basic shapes, can sing the ABC song, and recognizes 3 letters: C, M, and L. She is potty trained, speaks in complete sentences, eats with a fork, drinks from a regular cup, holds a pen/crayon correctly, colors somewhat within lines (although everything is usually blue), throws and kicks a ball, and can run, jump, and hop really well. She runs especially fast in crowded shopping malls.
Her favorite activity is to play Let’s Pretend. I think she likes this because she can be really bossy. Not surprisingly, she is always mommy or the teacher. Activities include playing in the pool on the hardwood floor, going to Chuck E Cheese in the living room, or putting us to bed in any designated area of the house. Yesterday while playing pretend Camlin said, "I'm mommy." Pause. "I have boobies now."
Camlin's Idiosyncrasies:
- She asks almost daily about her birthday! (I think it's about the cake.) Tonight I said, "I have a surprise for you in the morning," to which she exclaimed, "It's my happy birthday?"
- She likes to ‘shush’ us if we are talking while she is watching TV or reading a book.
- She obsesses over her hands and face being clean when eating. It's not unusual to go through at least 3 napkins per meal.
- She likes to take off her pants as soon as she gets home. (see below picture)
- When asked something to which she doesn’t know the answer, she responds, "I can’t know that."
- She still has her ‘go-go’ (pacifier), which she will sneak into a pocket or purse in an attempt to get it out of the house.
- She likes to walk around with her hands in her pockets or on her hips.
- She likes warm milk.
- She knows how to share when someone else has something she wants.
- She prefers her bangs in her face rather than held back with a clip.
- She is easily bribed with promises of cake or chocolate coins.
Recent Activities:
- We went to see Disney on Ice. Camlin’s favorite part was seeing Ariel. She now skates on the ice in her playroom, which translates to dancing on the rug.
- On Wednesdays, we take Camlin to Kangaroo Jacks after school so she can get some exercise while she goes crazy on the jumpy castles.
- Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving by relaxing and eating a huge dinner. Our friends, the Grimes', stopped by too so we could meet baby Miller and Camlin got to play with Colby. The highlight of the day was the semi-forced, but incredibly cute hug between Camlin and Colby!
- Yesterday while at the mall, we figured we’d stop and see Santa. Much to our surprise Camlin ran up to him, jumped on his lap and put her arms around him. They had a nice, intimate conversation while she fiddled with the buttons on his vest, and then he actually had to extract her other arm from around his neck so they could pose for the picture. Odd. Next year we’ll dress her in a nice outfit! (see below picture)
- Today we decorated our Christmas tree. Camlin was more interested in having a coffee party with the coffee ornaments I got from my old manager 2 years ago (last year she did the same thing).
And my final thought: At a recent parent/teacher conference, we learned that Camlin doesn’t listen (not a surprise; she gets that from her dad) and she is incredibly bossy (again, not a surprise; she gets that from her mom). We’re screwed.
Decorating the tree (without pants)

Sitting happily on Santa’s lap
Educationally and developmentally, Camlin is progressing nicely. She can count to 15, knows her colors and basic shapes, can sing the ABC song, and recognizes 3 letters: C, M, and L. She is potty trained, speaks in complete sentences, eats with a fork, drinks from a regular cup, holds a pen/crayon correctly, colors somewhat within lines (although everything is usually blue), throws and kicks a ball, and can run, jump, and hop really well. She runs especially fast in crowded shopping malls.
Her favorite activity is to play Let’s Pretend. I think she likes this because she can be really bossy. Not surprisingly, she is always mommy or the teacher. Activities include playing in the pool on the hardwood floor, going to Chuck E Cheese in the living room, or putting us to bed in any designated area of the house. Yesterday while playing pretend Camlin said, "I'm mommy." Pause. "I have boobies now."
Camlin's Idiosyncrasies:
- She asks almost daily about her birthday! (I think it's about the cake.) Tonight I said, "I have a surprise for you in the morning," to which she exclaimed, "It's my happy birthday?"
- She likes to ‘shush’ us if we are talking while she is watching TV or reading a book.
- She obsesses over her hands and face being clean when eating. It's not unusual to go through at least 3 napkins per meal.
- She likes to take off her pants as soon as she gets home. (see below picture)
- When asked something to which she doesn’t know the answer, she responds, "I can’t know that."
- She still has her ‘go-go’ (pacifier), which she will sneak into a pocket or purse in an attempt to get it out of the house.
- She likes to walk around with her hands in her pockets or on her hips.
- She likes warm milk.
- She knows how to share when someone else has something she wants.
- She prefers her bangs in her face rather than held back with a clip.
- She is easily bribed with promises of cake or chocolate coins.
Recent Activities:
- We went to see Disney on Ice. Camlin’s favorite part was seeing Ariel. She now skates on the ice in her playroom, which translates to dancing on the rug.
- On Wednesdays, we take Camlin to Kangaroo Jacks after school so she can get some exercise while she goes crazy on the jumpy castles.
- Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving by relaxing and eating a huge dinner. Our friends, the Grimes', stopped by too so we could meet baby Miller and Camlin got to play with Colby. The highlight of the day was the semi-forced, but incredibly cute hug between Camlin and Colby!
- Yesterday while at the mall, we figured we’d stop and see Santa. Much to our surprise Camlin ran up to him, jumped on his lap and put her arms around him. They had a nice, intimate conversation while she fiddled with the buttons on his vest, and then he actually had to extract her other arm from around his neck so they could pose for the picture. Odd. Next year we’ll dress her in a nice outfit! (see below picture)
- Today we decorated our Christmas tree. Camlin was more interested in having a coffee party with the coffee ornaments I got from my old manager 2 years ago (last year she did the same thing).
And my final thought: At a recent parent/teacher conference, we learned that Camlin doesn’t listen (not a surprise; she gets that from her dad) and she is incredibly bossy (again, not a surprise; she gets that from her mom). We’re screwed.
Decorating the tree (without pants)
Sitting happily on Santa’s lap
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