The trip to Disney was awesome. Dave and I had hinted to Camlin that we would take her on a short trip, but we hadn't told her where we were going. So, at 5 AM on her birthday, we woke her up by singing Happy Birthday and presenting her with a bag of Disney goodies. Luckily, the lure of presents and Disney got her out of bed so we would make our 7 AM flight to Orlando.
For the next 3 days, we walked, ate, and stood in line for autographs. Dave and Camlin rode some rides and we all took in a show, but Camlin's favorite thing was to meet the characters. I've never seen her so patient; she waited, holding her autograph book open at the next blank page, facinated. The character meals were fun and a great way to meet them without waiting in line. Two highlights: Tigger shook his bum at her on her birthday and Belle (her favorite princess) stuck her finger in Camlin's eye!
We had such a busy few days, hitting three different parks and stopping by Downtown Disney. We even crammed in a visit with our good friends the Reifs! It was such a good time, even with the constant stares and comments I received. (Apparently, a 7-month pregnant woman - who looks 9-months pregnant - is not an everyday occurence at Disney!)
We left Orlando very late on day three. It was an uneventful flight home after a "Code B" secured all entrances and exits to the airport just as we were about to board the plane. After that short delay, we arrived home safe and sound, albeit exhausted.