Camlin's favorite thing in the whole world right now is the Dora story Dora Saves the Magic Kingdom. She has the DVD, 2 copies of the book, and even the TV episode saved on the DVR. The book fair is at school this week and every day that she's walked past the display, she has stopped to hug the book.
While this may sound mildly obsessive to most, we have found ways to utilize this fixation for our own advantage.
1. Camlin decided half way through her hair cut that she didn't want to sit still anymore; the DVD was paused until her little bum was back in the seat.
2. There was a mess of toys in the playroom; we sang the 'clean up' song (from the story) until the room was clean.
3. Bedtime dawdling is a daily occurrence; the threat of no Mermaid story usually does the trick.
By far the cutest part though, is that Camlin has her own Magic Crown, which we decorated together. While it doesn't turn her into a mermaid like it does for Dora, it does bring a certain sparkle to her eyes that can make just about anyone smile.